Ok folks
It's that time of year to mark your date for "The Gathering"..... a blended fibre day of knitters and spinners all bonding under one roof. Just a splended fun day . Bring your spinning wheel and knitting. We have 18 vendors coming with lots of yummy stuff to sell you , so bring lots of money and stock up..... remember not all the vendors take Visa, Mastercard so have some cheques or cash.
I have been busy this week dying my rovings with lots of colours to tease you! If you have bought from me before and know what colour you got you can pre-order it and I will bring it to the Gathering. So where is it you say??? Well
Town Park Recreation Centre
62 McCaul Street
Port Hope
On Saturday April 17 from 10:00 to 3:00
Bring a mug for coffee (coffee and snacks provided) and your lunch if you don't want to buy a famous BBQ Lamb or Beef burger from Oslands farm meat.
call me if you need more info or email.
Hope to see you there.
Kerry 613 475 0880 email. antrimlea@gmail.com