On August 8th I had the pleasure of being on the Belleville Team competing in the Sheep to Shawl competition at Grasscreek Sheep Dog Trials. We had just 4 1/2 hours to spin a raw fleece and finish weaving a shawl. Esther Grav, Rosemary Morris, Anne Buckley and myself were the spinners and our wonderful hard working weaver was Diane Wludyka. Diane had also spun all the wool for the warp and had some of it dyed too. The precious grey/brown in the warp was spun from Wendy Pullan's Border Collies making it extra special. Unfortunately we ran out of time due to our unique weaving of the shawl and we came in 3rd. But our beautiful shawl took the highest price in the shawl auction the next day which the money goes to our guild . Congratulations to all of us . It was a wonderful fun day with lots of chatter and laughter as usual.......LOL.....
I am a handspinner, handweaver and handknitter. I work out of my home in Campbellford.in Northumberland County. I always have something on the go. I am just completing my homework for my final year for my Ontario Handspinning Certificate 6 year program. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions about my work!
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