Well you saw on a previous post that poor Antrim was trying to take over Charlie's bed but just didn't fit...... one of my friends happened to feel sorry for him and had a couple of dog beds at her house and gave them to Antrim. He is soooo happy now and just loves cuddling up in them . One is in the living room and the other at the foot of my bed. Nacho also likes the one in the living room especially when the sun is shining on it. Don't worry though, when Antrim wants to lay there he just barks at Nacho and she moves......LOL...
A big thankyou to Gloria......
love Antrim
oo they look comfy! What a great early Christmas present!
Buy dog bed can be more easily through the multitude of options, but you must make sure that you know some things first, do not you buy a dog bed if you have not seen and the unrealized dreams of the habits of your pet. Suffice it to say that people do not sleep in the same manner as necessary and in different sizes and types of beds. The same rule applies for dogs.
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